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Sugarcane: Alpha's Almost Out, Beta's Brewing 🍭

Cooking up something special in the Sugarcane, stay tuned

Hey Sugarcane Squad!

We hope you're as excited as a kid in a candy store because we've got some sweet updates about the next flavor of DeFi, Sugarcane! 🍬

πŸ”¬ Alpha is Going Live πŸ”¬

Our coding confectioners have been cooking up something special in the Sugarcane lab. The alpha product is bubbling away nicely and over the next few weeks we will have a select group of 10-15 users putting it through the batter. They're going deep testing features such as lending USDC on Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism without having to bridge nor pay for gas. Their valuable feedback that will mold Sugarcane into the DeFi superapp it was born to be! πŸ’ͺ

We hope you enjoy this eye candy because you can get a taste during our beta πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 4.27.43 PM


πŸŽ‰ Come On Down! πŸŽ‰

We've rolled out the red carpet on our shiny new Discord server, and the only thing missing is YOU! Come on over, say hi, and meet the team and other Sugarcane enthusiasts. We've got a spot reserved just for you at the pastry table.

Spread the Sugarcane love like it's Nutella on toast! πŸžπŸ’–

🍩 Future Glazing 🍩

What's that on the horizon? Oh, it's only our closed beta for 100 selected users, expected to blast off in July like a fireworks show! πŸ’₯

Make sure to follow us on Twitter and reply to this email to be part of the beta group!

Want to climb the waitlist faster? Keep an eye out for our upcoming announcements on how to jump the line on getting access.

✌️That's all the sweet tea for now!✌️

Remember, life is sweet and always better when you don’t have to pay gas fees or manually bridge between chains. So share this newsletter and let's make the DeFi world a little sweeter with Sugarcane!

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